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A106-DL Dynamic Lifter Spring Pressure Relief Valve

The A106-Dynamic Lifter (DL) sewage pressure relief valve is a direct acting spring loaded relief valve.

The valve is adjusted to open when the pressure exceeds the set-point, which is approximately 10% above the normal operating pressure. The valve closes drip-tight when pressure falls below the set-point. The DL is connected on a tee off the main line and usually discharges relief flow back to the main sump to reduce the surge over-pressure. A speed control permits adjustment of the closing speed.

The opening force is boosted by the line pressure operating, via the separation chamber, on the piston. By applying external pressure to the test connection, the valve may be cycled open for routine maintenance.

Ideal for:

  • raw water that contains organics
  • lower pressure sewage lift stations
  • booster sewage stations
  • Low maintenance
  • Hygienic and minimal time to flush and test operations
  • Premium materials reduce maintenance, providing the lowest long-term cost of ownership