Phone: 011 450 3080  |  Fax: 086 670 7101  |  E-mail:

SINGER #160-PR Pressure Reducing Pilot


SINGER #160-RF Rate of Flow Pilot


SINGER #81-RP Pressure Relief Pilot


SINGER #301-4 Altitude Pilot Valve


SINGER #R400 Modulating Float Pilot


SINGER #39 Non-Modulating Float Pilot with Vertical Rod


SINGER #43 Rotary Float Pilot (On / Off)


SINGER #82-PR Pressure Reducing Pilot


SINGER #26 Flow Stabilizer

J1521G / J1521M
J1521G / J1521M

SINGER J1521G / J1521M Arion Strainer


SINGER #167 Proportional Pilot